Listening to ‘Reflektor’ strikes with the same kind of visceral, pulsating force as I imagine hearing Franke Goes to Hollywood’s ‘Relax’ for the first time ...
In a developing habit of list-making, here’s my top 40 songs released this fine and plentiful year. Think of it as some kind of alternative ...
It’s that time of year again. The end of year lists are already cropping up so I thought it’s time for me and Lewi to ...
[youtube] This, for me, has stolen the music video crown for 2010. It’s a simply brilliant piece by the intensely good Spike Jonze, a ...
Another year and another descent into the underbelly of arguably England’s most popular festival, (Glastonbury is the only other contender), this year, even though I ...
Well I had to eventually, didn’t I? Even being out of the loop for a short while made me miss the leak and massive hype ...
Before Lewi comes in with the final summer vs. podcast episode, I thought I’d interject and add this, a mix based around Frankenstein, the epic ...
In the second podcast of this ongoing series, I present a mix based around the plot of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead, a book which I ...